Bosch Rexroth Sales & Partner Conference

Event Type:
Corporate Event

Bosch Rexroth Sales & Partner Conference 2023


Creating a dynamic event experience for the Aerospace Technology Institute

Delivering a unified brand and marketing strategy to boost online Interaction, propel ticket sales, and offer an unforgettable live event experience

Bosch Rexroth, a renowned automation solutions manufacturer based in St. Neots, partnered with About Time to create and deliver a memorable event for customers and colleagues. With a long-standing collaboration spanning over a decade, we have a very detailed understanding of the brand and products.  Silverstone as a venue was the only option to match the precision and power of the products and services that Bosch Rexroth offer.


Challenges and Objectives:
How do we take a corporate event and make it fun, inspiring and memorable?
The venue for a start was the perfect choice to run a 3 day corporate event for networking, workshops, relationship building and of course an evening event.
Bosch Rexroth aimed to enhance team building, foster industry discussions, and provide an exceptional networking opportunity for employees and clients.


The Solution:
The primary objective was to promote team building among attendees while also facilitating valuable interactions between industry professionals and suppliers. Workshops, team building and discussion throughout the day and a lavish evening event to unwind on the middle day.


Concept and Execution:
To break away from the conventional, About Time and Bosch Rexroth chose the iconic Silverstone venue, known for its blend of sports and engineering prowess. The agency created two versions of the event branding to show a clear delineation between the daytime event and the evening. Strict corporate guidelines and colour palettes meant the Formula 1 styled day branding saw us deliver a finish line in the corporate blues and reds with matching race messaging whilst the evening event colour ways were gold, black and red with the chosen theme, a lavish Gatsby-inspired evening, combining luxury with a touch of motoring nostalgia.


Event Execution:
About Time executed a comprehensive event management strategy, from inception to delivery. Our responsibilities encompassed conceptualising visuals and messaging, creating an immersive ambiance and ensuring the branding elements aligned seamlessly with the corporate daytime messaging and more Gatsby esque theme for the evening event.


Key Elements and Features:

  • Visuals: Daytime branding for workshops, room dressing and screen visuals. The event featured bespoke visuals that captured the essence of the Gatsby era.

  • Venue Transformation: Silverstone was transformed into a stunning black and gold Gatsby-style setting, aligning with the client’s key brand assets.

  • Entertainment: A 5-piece jazz band, flapper girls, acrobats, and magician Brendan Rodrigues added an element of excitement.

  • Signature Cocktails: About Time designed two bespoke cocktails using Bosch Rexroth’s brand colours, enhancing the personalised brand experience.

  • Event Management: We managed the event on-site, ensuring all elements were flawlessly executed and maintaining the perfect styling throughout the evening.


Our Impact:
The event’s success was evident through the overwhelmingly positive feedback received from attendees, including Bosch Rexroth’s valued clients. The unique Gatsby-themed approach, combined with meticulous planning and execution, created an unforgettable experience that exceeded expectations. By steering away from the traditional event format, we successfully fostered team building, encouraged industry discussions, and strengthened relationships among attendees.

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Silverstone Race Track

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Planning an Event or Brand Day?